Recruiting/Contact us

Why join the 5th? There are a few reasons, the least of which is to participate in the recreation of our nation’s history! You will be part of a unit that takes pride in it’s Light Infantry history by using the very same tactics and maneuvers used during the war for Independence. We also provide for our members some of the meals and powder for each event. Our various paid events throughout the year help pay for these supplies. The 5th also takes part in the annual crossing of the Delaware reencatment each Christmas, as well as the many important re-created battles from the Revolution! So……….

 Why join? (watch now)

 Are you tired of watching from the side lines? Do you wish to find out more about what being a reenactor and a member of the 5th is all about? Perhaps you would like to make a donation to our organization………..

 …….then please contact us using our special courier at;  
We have special reduced single membership rate for students who wish to join!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Visit us on Face Book
  ( membership application form, copy and print to mail in) 

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